Talk Topics | DrWright website
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Talk Topics

I educate, motivate, and empower students and educators to overcome adversity so they can cultivate the conditions for academic success and positive character development.


Allergic to Average!

You cannot achieve anything of significance without overcoming opposition and adversity. Specific key factors are essential if you are going to achieve greatness. Studies show that grit is a driver of achievement

and success.

This talk will inspire, empower, and motivate you with three takeaways:

1. Gain an appreciation and full understanding of the three character traits necessary to achieve greatness.

2. Learn three practical ways to develop positive self-esteem.

3. Learn the W.R.I.G.H.T. Method and how to apply it within

your life.

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The Impossible is Possible!

Adversity and obstacles are inevitable; however, there is one relationship quality that will never become obsolete, that is “encouragement”. In this motivational talk, I share my compelling, real-life story of how a mentor changed my life and show you why a mentor is your GPS to success. 

Dr. Wright will provide you with three practical takeaways that can help shape and form your mind for success:

1. Discover how encouragement starts with us and how to

apply in life. 
2. Learn three strategies to encourage others and

why it is important for

long-term achievement. 
3. Three traits of an encourager.

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The Grind is Real!

Dr. Wright will share with you key factors to cultivating a mindset that is essential for success even in the midst of doubt. These factors, along with specific principles, can be implemented when dealing with doubt or fear. Mindset is vital if you are going to accomplish your dreams, goals, and aspirations.

This talk will educate, empower, and motivate you with three takeaways:

1. Examine three core principles related to resilience. 

2. Understanding the principle

of Attitude vs Ability.

3. Three practical tips to develop resilient mindset.

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